Sláinte, Ireland

Welp, here we are. I’m currently on the plane back to the good old US of A. Everyone said these four months would fly by and they weren’t kidding. I can’t believe my time in Ireland has finally come to an end. But after dragging my four bags to and around the Dublin airport and going through multiple sets of security, at this point I’m excited to get home and see my family and friends. But of course, I can’t help but be sad thinking about all the things I will miss from this semester experience.

I’ll miss having the O’Connell House as a home away from home in Dublin, especially the wonderful staff, regular source of free food, and the great conversations with all the Dubs following a weekend away from each other.

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I’ll miss potluck dinners and chili nights in Roebuck, two of the greatest ideas we had all semester. Shout out to RJ for bringing a can of corn twice, I should probably confess now that I ended up eating one.

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I’ll miss exploring Ireland with all the crazy fools I refer to as the Dubs. Unfortunately we can’t bring the cliffs, Glendalough, or Sheep Island View Hostel back with us, but at least I get to see all your smiling faces back on campus next semester!

I’ll miss the excitement of seeing friends from home in different countries, and meeting up with them to see the cities they called home for the semester. Special shout out to all the ND kids in Rome and London, Kelly Murray and Luke Rossi!

I’ll miss running into the city every Tuesday morning to get scones at a different cafe. Besides the fact that every week seemed to be an earlier and colder morning, every single time was totally worth it. (Read: Nutella scones make everything better). Be on the lookout for the sequel next semester, farmers market breakfast runs in S. Bend.

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Finish line of the “sausage run”

I’ll miss hanging out at Whelan’s on weekends, especially the €4 Harps and my main bartender Ruairi.

Definitely going to miss my awesome roommates in the unbeatable Apartment 4. Miss you already Bronagh, Laura, Chris and Shane!! Holly I’ll see you around maybe… get out of my room.

The greatest + Shane

I’ll miss waiting for countless noms at the Dublin Bus stops. There’s nothing like seeing a bus in the distance that says 39A, having that warm feeling of home inside you, then seeing it get closer and realizing it’s actually a 38A. No, I’m kidding, defs not going to miss that.

I’ll miss ten o’clock tea with the Roebuckers. Nothing like digestives and Nutella to distract you from any real work you were planning to do.

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a real life action shot of me attempting to cope with leaving Ireland on a plane

I’ll miss ladies nights and boiz nightz both, as I seemed to spend about equal time participating in each.

I’ll miss volunteering at Fighting Words once a week. Even though the other volunteers were surprised to see an engineer volunteering at a creative writing center (with good reason- I have no writing skills whatsoever), I really looked forward to going every week and hanging out with small Irish kids.

Other miscellaneous things I will miss:

Ferris wheel selfies in different countries
All the Trinners we left behind in Dublin, but we’ll see you soon enough!
Fish and chips, scones, and hobnobs
Documenting the semester through pictures of food (see previous)
Running while wearing a backpack
Grand, craic, cheers, and slainte
Wearing a raincoat in the middle of December because it’s just not cold enough for the puffer coat, also because Ireland likes to spit rain on you at least once a day

But as much as I am sad to be missing these things from my life, having them at one point made for such an amazing four months. I cannot express enough gratitude to the people who made my time in Ireland possible and what it was. I’m so thankful to have another place in this world that I can happily call home, and for all the great people I got to know and spend my time with this semester. I love you all! As for you Ireland, I’ll be back. And cue the Undertones’ Parting Glass

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